I am available for public speaking, with presentations ranging from 15 to 60 minutes.
Topics include:
- The Five Stages of Leadership: The Journey from Doing to Managing
- How to Hire Great People
- Leadership and Accountability: How to Coach for Top Performance
- White Glove Service: Transforming IT to Provide Service that Makes People Awesome
- How to Demo Software… and Not Lose Your Audience
- Becoming Agile – Why It’s Hard and Why It’s Worth It
- How to Be a Great Employee
- Careers in IT (great for high school and college students)
- Accountability – What It Is, and How It’s Misunderstood
- The Future of IT… and How To Avoid Extinction
If you are interested in having me speak at your event, please connect with me through my contact page.
Comments made regarding my public speaking:
“While I knew about the importance of assessing, I never thought about the phase when the executive would feel that they would be found out.”
“I loved your talk today as it hit at the functional level of leading. Thanks so much for it.”
“Super great talk this morning. I especially liked the gears of influence and your philosophy of Servant leadership. Good way to empower all of us to action within the sphere of the things we can control.”
“Ryan, I’d love to get your slides from today’s overview. Great job presenting!”